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Favourite movie actor -> Taylor Lautner : Twilight Saga - New Moon
Favourite movie actress -> Miley Cyrus
Favourite TV show -> ICarly
Favourite reality show -> American Idol
Favourite cartoon -> Spongebob Squarepants
Favourite TV actress -> Selena Gomez : Wizards of Waverly Place
Favourite TV actor -> Dylan Sprouse
Favourite animated movie -> UP
Favourite music group -> Black Eyed Peas
Favourite male athelete -> Ryan Sheckler
Favourite female athelete -> Misty May
Favourite couple -> Jacob and Bella (Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner) : Twilight Saga
Favourite voice from an animated movie -> Jim Carrey : A Chistmas Carol
Favourite male singer -> Jay Z
Favourite female singer -> Taylor Swift
Favourite song -> You belong with me - Taylor Swift
Favourite movie -> Alvin and the Chipmunks : The Squeakqual
Favourite video game -> Mario Kart
Favourite book -> Diary of a Wimpy Kid series

snake at macritchie!!watch out when you run!! :)

hey!i noe dis taken really long tym ago.bt juz random pics.:)

haha. we had home econs prac today. made burgers. beef burgers. too bad did nt take fotos. ha. was fun. espacialy when fryin de beef patties. a falure bt had tons of fun. haha. :)

yay! finally done with my La patchwrk 4...<3 successfully rote 1,196 wrds. haha. :)

here are some more pics
haha. to make de blog more lively...:)

haha. decided to upload some pic to make my blog more alive. lolz. :)

here's a pic of de sec 1 nyld team<3
rock on trackers....<33333

halo. thx for changin my blog skin lesley and nice tag board. realy loveee it.:)

haha. i'm finally a teen. lyk u can see below in blue underlined font. duno if dats a gd thing or nt. bt seems dat nt much change, gah. i changed my old skin as u can see,ha.lolz. i haven posted for long tym har. hmm.....i shall post some fotos....
in de nxt post!!! ha.:)

grrr,my youngest sis is sooo irritatin today. she keep on pushin my chair even thou i ask her to stop. wad so fun ?

heloz. hahaz. long tym no post liao. lolz. anyways,i changed my blogskin. hehez. bt still need lesley to edit my tag board. thanx soooo much for helpin me change my blog skin lesley....... :)

Lifeskills camp was so fun....although we didnt win 4 talent tym, i knew dat we had done our best. but, we got 3rd 4 cheerin competition. yayy!!! one niners rock sockz... woooo.....

yayy!!!no more npcc 4 me...back 2 track:))

aaahhhh.....I was posted to npcc!!! I dun wan to get into npcc! It suckz....Too bad....I tink netball full liao. No choice but to appeal to track. At least I got higher chance of getting into track. Sigh...I'm sooooooo unlucky!!!:(

I'm so happy dat I got into Nanyang-My dream skool! :) And so glad dat I'm not alone there. Cus I've got Cozette, whose class is right beside mine.

Oh....the skool I was posted to was Crescent Girls' instead of Nanyang! Now, I can only count on the appeal for NYGH....nevermind, Crescent is not that bad rite? But still, I wish I can get into Nanyang.

ohhhh....I'm so nervous about next Tuesday. Cause we are gonna recieve our posting results.I really hope that I can get into Nanyang Girls High.....wish me luck!!!!

Don't forget to drop the tracker a tag <3

If you lose me, try the track.
Part of 109 but not a musician.
Proud to be Runnin' in NYLD, NYTF. (: